Clinical Facility
- The Nursing School is attached to our Parent Grace and Compassion Hospital which is accredited to NABH, where the students are provided with an explicit clinical exposure.
- The students also gain experience in various fields of nursing care by undergoing training in other tie-up hospitals including G.H in Tiruvannamalai and other speciality Institutions.
Professional Association
- The students are given ample opportunities to participate in Workshops, Seminars and Conferences to update their knowledge and skills.
- In addition, they are also active members of the Student Nurses Association (SNA) of India.
Spiritual Life
- All girls, regardless of Religion or Community, are welcome at the School. Our main objective is to instill moral values that respect human dignity and selflessness.
- The School is run on a Roman Catholic ethos and so it provides all catholic students with the opportunity to attend daily mass and prayers.